AC Films producer
           Directed by Gaylen Ross

"That stone said, 'Buy me. Even if you can't afford me, buy me. Hock the farm.'" The stone is a diamond, and the speaker is a diamond dealer, willing to bid over $8 million on a gem over the telephone. In the insular and virtually impenetrable world of diamond trading, precious gems change hands with nothing more than "mazel and brocha," a handshake and a promise.

The film offers a rare insider's view of the fascinating, traditional New York diamond industry, where dealers still operate according to ethics and practices established centuries ago by their European Jewish ancestors.

Generation after generation, the diamond dealers have stuck together, a fiercely loyal group still attached to the customs that have sustained them for centuries, in good times and bad.

Selections & Awards:

Chicago Film Festival - Winner, CINE Gold Eagle

Louisville Film Festival - Best Documentary Feature

Columbus International Film and Video Festival - Chris Award

Edinburgh Film Festival - Best of Fest

Berlin Film Festival

Sydney Film Festival

Haifa International Film Festival

Montreal World Film Festival

Vision du Réel Film Festival, Switzerland

Cinéma du Réel, Centre George Pompidou, Paris

Museum of Modern Art Film Series, New York

Jewish Film Festival, Film Society of Lincoln Center, NY

Toronto Jewish Film Festival

London Jewish Film Festival

San Francisco Jewish Film Festival

Boston Jewish Film Festival

Palm Beach Jewish Film Festival

Film’s website

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